  • 一次購買 10 件(含)以上,每件只要 $190,現省 $10

包裝每袋300g 由於物流規格限制每筆訂單最多12包

Gelatin Free! Means burden free while enjoying sweet treat!
A pergect replacement of traditional marshmallow made with seaweed and egg whites.

300g per packege.


庫存狀況 現貨



[Reg. ver.] Denser texture, better for direct eat, roast and beverage.
[Jumbo ver.] Jumbo Size, best for BBQ treat!

[Bakers' ver.] Softer texture, better stickiness and extension after heated. 


More than 20 months of research, the best ratio is finally found to produce the best replacement of traditional marshmallows. Japan sourced Trehalose adds lighter texture to it. This ovo-veg. marshmallow is the best way of making vegetarian Taiwanese Marshmallow Cracker, Naugut and other hand crafted treats. 



The most important ingredient of making marshmallow biscuits, is for sure, the Marshmallow. It has to gain balance in between elasticity, stickiness and fluidity to perform easy operate, well binding and bite texture. Traditional gelatin based marshmallow are doing good with that, however it is also the reason why that took us almost two years to find the formula to replace gelatin with egg-white and algae gel. Finalize with two versions of vegetarian marshmallow.

[Soft n Tender] Easy to melt with good fluidity and easy to bind with cracker, nuts, and dried fruits. While keeps the sponginess texture. Specially developed for vegetarian marshmallow biscuits and other similar applications.

[Spongy Bouncy] Denser texture, tastes very close to traditional marshmallow products. Put it into coffee, bake it in oven or on fire or squeeze it in between crackers. There are so many different ways to enjoy it!

實體販售據點 (連結GoogleMaps):
台中-晨光人文咖啡館   彰化 - 員林永讚素料超市   南投 - 來來皮件旅行箱  


重量:300g 產地:台灣 保存期限:6個月 有效日期:如包裝所示
製造商:南加州實業社 地址:南投市新興路43-1號 049-2362029

Ingredients: sucrose, corn syrup, trehalose, corn starch, egg white, carrageenan, maltodextrin, sorbitol, cream of tartar, cyclodextrin, cellulose gum, vanilla flavor, sodium pyrophosphate, potassium sorbate.
300g per package. Made in Taiwan.



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